Mitreißende Trommelrhythmen, Stimmung auf der Bühne und profesionelle Trommelkurse für Jung und Alt, dafür sorgt Henry Anyanga (alias Izo).
Henry Anyanga (alias Izo) ist gebürtiger Kenianer. Musik ist sowohl seine Arbeit, als auch seine Leidenschaft und sein Leben. Als Musiker spielt er verschiedenste traditionelle und moderne Trommeln, Flöten und das kenianische Zupfinstrument Nyatiti. Er musiziert nicht nur in Bands und produziert seine eigene Musik, auch hat er schon in zahlreichen Kinder- und Jugendprojekten das Trommeln gelehrt. Als Afro-Deutscher sind für Izo der kulturelle Austausch und Begegnungen mit Menschen eine Herzensangelegenheit. Er reist häufig zwischen Nairobi (Kenia) und Hamburg (Deutschland) hin und her, um Trommel- und Kulturprojekte anzubieten und seine Musik zu teilen.
Experience with Henry Anyanga (known as Izo) art, in an authentic and inspiring way, by drum workshops, live music and recording. Music is not just work for him, its passion and life.
Izo was born in Kakamega (Kenya) and was raised by his loving single mother in the country's capital city of Nairobi. At a tender age he had already started playing traditional drums in the small Ghetto's of Nairobi and in primary school festivals. Through luck of funds for further study's , Izo was lucky to be enrolled in Kuruka Maisha School of Art. There his journey of becoming a full musician began. The creative environment of Acrobats, Musicians, Painters etc. in Kenya made it possible for him to merge with the rest of the world and allowed him to tour festivals across Europe (festival mundial, North Sea Jazz), Asia, Canada, India, Africa, etc. Izos own music album (STEP BY STEP) is currently out and you can get your copy right here. Izo is futurly musically focusing on research of local roots and cultures to pass it on to the younger generation. Izo makes a journey every time, when he is in Kenya to Kisumu, to facilitate further skills, studies and culture. Izo say's "MUSIC is LOVE and LOVE is MUSIC".